Friday, March 4, 2011

Daniel Babcock- Birthparent Panel

Daniel was raised the oldest son of 10 children. A bit of a renaissance type, he enjoys many things; he has been active in the arts including Vocal Performance and Theatre, he loves playing and watching Football and Basketball and is an avid BYU Fan. Daniel loves the outdoors and spent his summers during high school as a fishing guide in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada. He loves to mountain bike, hike, backpack and camp, and has a large garden and fruit orchard. Daniel loves to tinker and fix things and has gained the nick name ‘Wizard’ from his children due to his ability to repair and create most anything. There are very few things that Daniel has tried that he does not like. He loves the fulfillment that comes with physical labor as well as enjoying mental challenges. After almost ten years of entrepreneurialism and being the General Manager for a large Real Estate Firm in Ogden He has finally settled on his dream career and is currently a Seminary Teacher in Pleasant View, Utah. 

His mission for the LDS Church to Wellington New Zealand transformed his life! “My mission was like going into warp-speed I went in somewhat aimlessly and came out focused fixed and determined to serve the Lord and all the people I could. It just changed me forever.” Upon returning home from his mission, he somehow got into BYU where he met the girl of his dreams, Hannah Elizabeth. They have been married 13 years 8 months and 10 days. “By far the best years of my life, and only getting better”, Daniel and Elizabeth are the parents of 6 children, 3 sons and 3 daughters. They currently teach their children in the home and have founded the Hinckley Academy, for families who home-school in the Weber County area. The Babcock families’ latest venture is with LaMancha Dairy Goats ( their small herd has been recognized as one of the premier LaMancha herds in the state of Utah. 

Daniel met his birth daughter Alexandria Rowley for the first time 19 months ago. “It has been a miraculous experience.” He is so grateful to the Rowley, Greenwell and Wright Family who made possible this joyous reunion.

1 comment:

  1. I must say personally knowing both Daniel and his family they truely are AMAZING people! They reached out to me and my little family at a time in our lives when trials were in the forefront. I have a deep love and respect for them and it is only more compounded by the fact that we share the bond of adoption!
