Retreat Important Deets

DATE: MARCH 30-31st!! We had to change the dates!

LOCATION: Hampton Inn and Suites, Orem, UT....just off of the University Pkwy Exit

--Friday from 5:30pm-Whenever (Mix and Mingle--Mini keynote) (snacks served)
--Saturday from 9am - 2:30pm (lunch and breakfast served)

50 dollars
5 dollars for childcare (total not per child)
(there will also be a raffle. raffle tickets can be bought for 2 dollars)
(all proceeds from raffle go to Scholarships 4 Birthmothers)

RSVP by April 1st
Exceptions can be made!

RSVP to or on the Facebook Page evite will be sent out on the first of April to get an accurate count after that.